Facebook Marketing Strategy: How Optimized Product Feeds Help You Increase Sales

Facebook Marketing Strategy: How Optimized Product Feeds Help You Increase Sales

Social media channels have become a popular way for brands to sell products. However, this popularity comes with high competition.

It’s essential to have an effective and unique Facebook marketing strategy in order to stand out. Optimizing your product feed is one way to achieve this. How can an optimized product feed increase sales? What are the best ways you can optimize your feed to maximize its effectiveness? Here are some tips to help you do this.


What is a product-feed?

Product feeds, also known as data feeds, are files that contain all product information. This includes details about each product. Product feed files are usually saved in Excel or.xml formats.

These files can be used to send information via shopping channels such as Facebook or Google Shopping. These files allow these channels to accurately show your products and attributes in the form product listings.

These product feeds are required to advertise products on any shopping channel. This is especially important if you plan to use multiple channels or have many products. . You can upload product feeds manually or automatically using multi-channel listing software.

How to create a product feed for Facebook

It is easy to set up a product feed for Facebook. First, you will need to create a file that contains all your product information. You can upload this file in CSV, TSV or XML formats. To ensure that your product information is updated automatically, you can use a datafeed service. This allows you to schedule more frequent feed uploads than Facebook.

After that, follow these steps to set up your Facebook account.

  1. Click Commerce Manager to choose your catalog
  2. Select ‘data sources’ from the catalog tab.
  3. Click on ‘Add Items’ to add multiple items.
  4. Next, click ‘Next’ and select ‘Data feed’.
  5. Choose your upload method for the product data feed. There are two options: a scheduled feed or a one-time upload. You can set up scheduled feeds to be updated hourly, daily, or weekly. A data feed service allows you to update your feed more often if you want. One-off uploads do not update your feed. Once you’ve chosen your upload method, click “Next” to continue the initial process.

Depending on the method you choose, you can finish your data feed upload as follows:

Set up a scheduled feed

A saved file from a file hosting site is required to create a scheduled feed. The URL of the file will be required. To set up the scheduled feed, enter your password before you click ‘next’.

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  1. You can choose whether you want to receive updates hourly, daily, or weekly. Also, you will need to choose a time when the update should occur. Alternativly, you can choose to ‘add automatically updates’ to receive updates when a file changes is detected. Next, click “next” and name your feed.
  2. Select your default currency. This will make sure that any prices in your feed do not display a default currency. For more information, click ‘upload’ and ‘next.
  3. Fix any issues with column naming that are not compatible with Facebook’s support. You can do this by matching your columns to those with titles Facebook supports and then clicking ‘upload.

Set up a single feed

A one-off feed upload is a good option if you don’t plan to update your feed often. These steps will help you set up a one time feed upload.

  1. Click ‘upload file’ to choose the file that you want to upload. Select ‘next’ to name your file.
  2. Choose a default currency. All prices that are not in your data feed will be automatically converted to this currency. Click ‘upload’ and ‘next.
  3. Fix any issues with column naming that are not compatible with Facebook’s. This can be done by matching the columns names with those supported by Facebook. Then click ‘upload’.

Notification: If you need to change the feed that you have set up, please go to “update your data source” under “data sources”.

Optimizing your product feed can help you sell more on Facebook

Optimized product feeds can increase your sales by reaching more people in your target market. These are the top ways to optimize your product-feed.

Your titles are your focus

Titles are an integral part of any Facebook ad. These are the first thing potential customers will see. Your product titles should be concise and clear with relevant keywords. The preview only has 25 characters. Pay attention to the title and include the relevant keywords. Customers will be able to easily identify what you are looking at by reading the titles.

The product category you are selling will determine the information that consumers want in a product title. This includes product type, color, size and other details. The following structure can be used to help you build your title. It will allow you to focus on the right things based on your product vertical.


Get the most out of custom labels

Facebook allows you to add up to five unique columns to your product feed using custom labels. You have a lot of flexibility and freedom when it comes to how you use these columns. You can refine your feed by setting parameters. For example, you could choose to highlight your most popular products more often. You can also add standout features in your advertisements which can increase interest in your products.

You can use custom labels to highlight products that are not listed under the “seasonal” title. This allows you to focus your advertising on items that relate to Christmas.

Another option is to use custom labels. This allows you to personalize your headlines with tags like “Now just” before listing the sale price. This allows customers to see the price drop and the savings available by buying now.

Utilize product pricing tools

Although it’s wonderful to be able to create an automatic product feed, customers will likely choose to shop with a competitor if your prices don’t change regularly to remain competitive. Product pricing tools are a great resource.

A product pricing tool can help you ensure your products are priced competitively. This tool monitors the prices of competitors and adjusts the price of your products accordingly. This ensures that you don’t price yourself out by being too cheap or too expensive, so you make less profit.

Many product pricing tools let you set how frequently and how much you want adjustments made. You could, for example, set the tool to match the price of the second-cheapest competitor and adjust every hour. You could also match the lowest competitor, but only adjust the price once a day.

You can connect product pricing tools directly to your product feed. This will ensure that your pricing is always up-to-date and optimized for all of your items.

Make your images perfect

Another effective way to increase sales is through product feeds that contain high-resolution images. Users are very interested in visual content. User-generated Content (UGC) is even more effective in convincing people to visit your site and make purchases.

UGC can drive engagement and bridge between your brand’s consumer and you. Potential customers also consider UGC more trustworthy and authentic. This tactic will make your product images more positive.

Once your images meet Facebook’s guidelines, it is time to highlight the best images. UGC is an excellent option because it allows your brand to provide valuable and social proof for your customers so they feel confident in what they are buying.

It’s worth taking the time to A/B test your images in order to find the best. Remember to test often, because buying habits, customer requirements, and product performance are constantly changing. Don’t advertise low-stock items.

Facebook uses the term “availability” to describe the current stock of a product. It is important to only show products that are in stock. Customers who click on an ad for out-of-stock items will end up frustrated and not be able to purchase the product they want. This can also be costly for your business as it creates a negative impression on customers.

These issues can be avoided by defining conditions in your product feed that exclude low-stock products. You might limit the number of products you include if they are more than X. This allows you to focus your advertising dollars on products that are readily available.

Use optional fields

Extra data is not always a bad thing in the case of product feeds. Optional fields can be used to provide additional information about products. This will allow customers to search for specific products and to view more details.

You can add the following fields to your product data feed:

  • Shipping weight
  • Shipping costs
  • Sales price
  • Type of product
  • Item group ID
  • Expiration date
  • Condition
  • Age group
  • Gender

Final thoughts

Optimizing your product feed is a great way to stay ahead of the ever-growing competition on Facebook. These simple tips will increase your sales on social media platform and likely save you some advertising dollars. These optimization tips are easy to implement, so you don’t have to be an expert in order to stand out.

source https://www.nosto.com/blog/facebook-product-feed/

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